

"You are saying that life is perfect?" Emma asked incredulously.

"From a very high perspective, yes, life is indeed perfect. But such a view does not yet apply to our perspectives as human beings. We do have our noses to the grindstone!" Aliyah laughed.

-- The God Principle, Chapter "Path"

This work is an attempt to elaborate further on a notion introduced in our earlier book “The God Principle”, where it was stated that Life is perfect. The book also provided a perspective on why this is so, but did not cover detailed ground where the reader may understand this better.

The book also said that for human beings the world appears imperfect and plagued with ills, and that this view is only ‘human’. From higher perspectives one may actually begin to see quite differently - where all the ills, troubles, evils and so forth appear in quite a different light.

Before the reader jumps to any conclusions, let us also state that a higher perspective does not invalidate everyday realities. Rather it provides meaning and context to those realities. Indeed, we will categorically point out the paramount importance of human striving, and assert that true individual progress is impossible without also striving for the progress of one’s brethren. ‘The law of striving’ is something that is fundamentally inherent in manifestation. We do not intend to negate any of the work of the various groups who are actively working for humanity, for we fully and whole-heartedly encourage them further on. In fact we would also point out that enough is not being done. These might appear contradictory but the reader will find why they are not, in further pages.

Also, this is not a new perspective. The Upanishads, Swami Vivekananda, Lao Tzu and others have expressed more or less the same sentiment as the title of this blog, though detailed explanations on those view points have been generally lacking.

It is the task of this writing to help the reader explore these perspectives. We will take a while to get there, exploring various ideas and discussing some uncommon perspectives, till we can finally tackle this perspective fully. We will start with abstract principles first and then move on to manifested aspects of those principles, in a top down approach.