There Be Devas!
An old wives' tale….
In a long bygone age, humankind fell from a state of purity (as hinted in the story of the garden of Eden), and descended into a morass of negativity. By the principle of reflection, outer realities function like a mirror for inner realities. Consequently the physical environment that surrounded humanity also began to shift and to change. Thunderstorms, lighting, hurricanes and tornadoes made their appearance. The sea commenced roaring. Earthquakes split the land. Wild fires laid to waste grass and forested lands. Chaos descended on the earth.
The gods and the guides of humanity decided that something needed to be done. There had to be some mechanism of channeling and directing these unleashed energies so that the earth would not end up destroying the fledgling races of mankind it then harbored. So they devised an ingenious solution: the Devas.
The Devas were a class of beings created specifically for this purpose of channeling energies of nature, and were programmed to do certain tasks. Indeed they were meant to step into the widening gap between humanity and nature. Man was originally meant to be the keeper of this earth garden - to nourish, love and teach other life forms on the planet - a purpose he would no longer fulfill.
Somewhat like robots, but with some limited amount of free will, devas sometimes wielded immense power to direct the hurricanes, ride the tornadoes, aim the lightning, and so forth. Their purpose often was to direct such destructive energies so that most were released relatively harmlessly. To get a sense of the scope, size and number of these Devas, consider that lightning strikes alone on the earth can be counted in the many millions per day!
At times the Devas directed, or rather allowed, these destructive energies to affect inhabited areas. This was done to offset national, racial or individual karma, and sometimes for learning purposes, as determined by the guides. When such conditions were operational, it could well be that a fire or a tornado destroyed a structure in an area but left its neighbor untouched. But under no circumstances were Devas programmed to undermine or interfere with human efforts - mainly because humanity was to be given ample freedom to operate as it chose.
Like with Amazon Alexa’s skills or keywords, the devas were controlled by certain “words of power” to which they responded. Today we would call some of these words ‘mantras’. Being a lower order class of being with limited free will, a deva automatically had to do the bidding of any higher order being, when addressed using its specific words of power. The mantra was primarily a way to get the deva’s attention and obedience.
By nature the devas were neither good nor evil, but amoral. When left alone they did their jobs autonomously, like Roomba, yet with some limited sense of purpose and understanding. They too had their spiritual evolution chalked out by the gods from whom they originally emanated. Like many people today having ‘avatars’ on social media, the devas too had certain holographic forms assigned to them, which could be shown on demand, and seen by sensitive people who then reported how they appeared. These were of course programmed forms, with programmed behavior.
All programming is subject to hacking, and so were many classes of these devas. In time these words of power percolated down to some members of the human race and began to be used for selfish purposes. The Hindu epics of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata tell stories of warriors using ‘astras’ which invoked the devas of air, wind, sea, fire and aether. The protagonist would take his arrow, bind to it a strong visualization using an appropriately selected mantra, and direct the missile towards an adversary. The stories in these epics are blown far out of proportion to reality, but there is indeed a kernel of truth behind them. In time, and mainly from karmic retribution, the knowledge was lost and the devas were once again free to go about their functions unhindered. Since that time the knowledge of control of the devas was available only to a very discreet few - Jesus calming the seas for example.
The ancient pantheons clubbed all kinds of beings, including the devas, into a grand panoply. There was little distinction between various classes of being like the gods and the devas. The gods of course were assigned charges of various nations, races, social, cultural and technical developments, warfare, and so on. There were tribal deities, and also those whose functions cut across humanity. The great hierarchy culminated at the top (as far as human beings are concerned), in the Most High. In the Christian tradition this would be the Christ spirit, who in the Hindu pantheon is known as Maha-Vishnu. Levels beyond the Mosh High are utterly beyond human conception, or even that of the gods, and no meaningful information intelligible to human beings can be picked up.
Indeed the often subtle distinction between a tribal deity and the Most High can be seen occasionally in Judaic scriptures. For instance, there exists a reference to the Most High dividing the sons of man (humanity) according to the number of the sons of God (the gods), with Yahweh’s allotted portion being Jacob and his descendants, i.e. Israel. But largely there is no such distinction found in these scriptures, which is also not required.
The gods too have their evolution. Occasionally they need to incarnate as humans, sometimes to further a cause, but also for lesson purposes and to work out karma. The names assigned to these gods are usually titles, and a title can be occupied by different beings (including from the human life stream) over the course of time. The ancient gods are not always the same beings as more modern ones. When a land is invaded and taken over, old gods have been super-ceded by new ones. Many of these gods have fallen and risen. Some still incarnate to facilitate their own evolution, as well as that of nations. A case in point is the US president named Donald Trump, who used to be part of an ancient pantheon of gods, some of which have incarnated as kings during eras past. A bit of reflection on the stature, nature, and tendencies of this individual, and the adulation of supporters who were called to his own in this current era, is probably sufficient to drive that point home. And that his ascendancy was no accident.
Indeed this overarching system of gods, devas, functions, and hierarchies are not very different from typical government structures found in various nations. Here is yet another instance of the Principle of Reflection at work, sometimes stated “As in Heaven, So on Earth” and “As Above, So Below”.